The firm is currently working on projects which are being financed by the State Revolving Loan Fund administered by the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission and Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the United States Department of Agriculture-Rural Development. The firm's wastewater treatment plant experience includes activated sludge, extended aeration and basic lagoon treatment systems. Sludge dewatering in the forms of lime and thermal treatment as well as filter sludge drying beds has been successfully implemented by the firm.
Lockesburg, AR
The City improved the sewer collection system that included replacing gravity sewer mains, manholes, replaced pumps in the Lift Station. In result of the sewer collection system improvements the City reduced the Inflow and Infiltration within the system.
This project was funded through USDA-RD.

McNeil, AR
The City improved the Wastewater Treatment Plant by replacing the plants in the rock reed filters and installing an aerator in the sewer pond. The City replaced pumps and controls in four Lift Stations.
This project was funded through Arkansas Natural Resources Commission State Revolving Loan Fund.

Taylor, Arkansas - WWTP Improvements
Recent Projects:
City of Magnolia, Arkansas - Field Road Low Pressure Sewer System
City of De Queen, Arkansas - WWTP Screw Pump Replacement
City of Taylor, Arkansas - WWTP Improvements
City of Linden, Texas - WWTP Lift Station Improvements
City of Waldo, Arkansas - Highway 371 Sewer Main Re-location