The Team

Anthony L. (Andy) Franks
President & CEO
Mr. Franks is the Principal and CEO of A.L. Franks Engineering. He graduated from Louisiana Tech University in 1992 with a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering and is currently a Registered Professional Engineer in the States of Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Arkansas Floodplain Management Association and Water Environmental Association. He is a Past President of the Monroe Chapter of the Louisiana Engineering Society. Mr. Franks has years of consulting engineering experience with an emphasis on wastewater collection and treatment, water distribution, storm drainage, floodplain modeling and transportation systems. His wastewater collection experience includes both gravity and pressure systems with extended air treatment systems. His experience in floodplain modeling has resulted in the development of substantial grant funded drainage improvement projects. He has coordinated environmental reviews to create and modify permitting limits for wastewater treatment plants. He has successful experience in both loan and grant funded projects. Mr. Franks has substantial experience in street overlays and rehabilitation with asphaltic concrete and portland cement concrete (PCC) paving. Mr. Franks has experience in the daily operations of highway and street construction projects including project scheduling, coordination, public relations, inspection and construction layout. His experience in transportation facilities also includes pedestrian transportation meeting the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Additionally, Mr. Franks has experience in streetscape projects and recreational park development.
Kiron S. Browning
Senior Vice President
Mr. Browning is the Vice President for the firm of A.L. Franks Engineering. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Auburn University in December 2010 and is currently a Registered Professional Engineer in the States of Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. He has experience in Water Distribution System Modeling and Design, and Environmental compliance and permitting for NPDES regulated facilities. He also has experience in the preparation of the necessary documents required for municipalities to receive funding for street, water, and sewer improvements through state grant programs. Mr. Browning also has field experience overseeing various utility construction projects.

Caleb Mudford
Vice President - Texarkana
Mr. Mudford is a Professional Engineer for the firm of A.L. Franks Engineering. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Arkansas in 2012 and is currently a Registered Professional Engineering in the States of Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. Caleb has experience in transportation engineering involving facilities from highways to local streets and pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks and trails. Caleb also has experience in drainage design from bridge level structure crossings to small culvert design. He also obtained a Certified Floodplain Manager Certification while working in Texas and has experience with multiple Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood projects. Caleb has worked with funding agencies such as Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC), Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Parks and Tourism, and Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) to secure funding. He has experience in the funding process and has assisted with the application procedures with multiple funding sources shown above and delivered projects to the client following each agencies required guidelines.
Cody Stringer
Vice President - El Dorado
Mr. Stringer is a Professional Engineer for the firm of A.L. Franks Engineering. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Civil and Construction Engineering from University of Arkansas at Little Rock in May 2019. While working towards his bachelor’s degree he obtained experience in surveying, construction, project management, estimating, and roadway and traffic design. Mr. Stringer has also has field experience overseeing various projects.

Jason C. Haley
Professional Engineer
Mr. Haley is a professional engineer for A.L. Franks Engineering. Jason is a 2000 graduate of Texas Tech University with a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering. Jason is registered in Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Jason has a considerable amount of experience in water distribution, wastewater collection, treatment facilities, storm drainage, street construction and rehabilitation, surveying, and land development. Jason is experienced in working with funding agencies to perform environmental studies, engineering reports, and develop master plans for infrastructure improvements. Jason has worked with many municipalities assisting in a wide variety of improvement projects. As a project manager Jason has overseen many projects from beginning to the end to ensure the client receives a project that meets their expectations as well as their budget. Aside from work, Jason is married with two daughters and serves as a deacon in his church.
Benjamin Purifoy

James Whittington
Professional Geologist
Mr. Whittington is a professional geologist for A.L. Franks Engineering. James is a 1997 graduate of Marshall University with a B.S. Degree in Geology. James is registered in Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi and has been licensed as a water well contractor and has provided hydrogeological solutions for municipal and industrial clients. He is experienced in providing environmental consulting for the mining and petroleum industries. James has an extensive track record performing environmental assessment, permitting, remediation, resources evaluation, and project field oversight to energy and industrial clients. He has performed wetland and natural resource delineation and geospatial mapping for oil and gas clients in the USACOE Southwest and Mississippi districts. He has also managed site remediation activities for petroleum producers and midstream clients from initial response through agency closure. James also provides contract geologic services to junior oil producers in the Ark-La-Tex region.